
What other people say about working with me:

As a director/dramaturg

Tilly is a deeply nurturing, supportive and superbly organised director with a keen eye for detail. She manages the rehearsal room and team with ease, creating a safe and productive working environment for all, whilst drawing the best out of her team and being driven by highest artistic standards. Her dramaturgical experience makes her perfect for working on new writing, and her producing experience gives Tilly a strong intuition of the project overall“.  – Tina Hofman, Artistic Director, Notnow Collective

Throughout the process of writing, Tilly was encouraging, giving me tasks that were opening my creativity and I couldn’t believe with how much detail she reads each draft and offers structural suggestions to make it better. Once the play was finished, she approached it as a director with incredible ideas, her work with the actress and the creative team was highly professional, and she created an atmosphere of creative freedom for everyone” – Kristina Gavran, writer, Pepper and Honey

Tilly’s greatest gift is the ability to open up a safe, respectful, creative space in which to work… her openness, intelligence and constructive critical eye inspires confidence allowing her to draw the very best from everyone involved” – Marilyn Ricci, writer, Alfred’s War/Soi Disant/Due Course

Every voice was equal, every voice was heard. All of us in the creative team felt we’d been through an experience that had changed our practice, and that Tilly’s firm leadership had helped us to work on a deeper level than we had experienced before, both as individuals and as collaborators” – Nick Wood, writer, Getting Better Slowly

I absolutely love working with you. As a director I feel safe within the environment you create and your rehearsals are always a brilliant and exciting place to be. As a performer you have inspired and challenged me” – Kitty Randle, performer, Getting Better Slowly

A huge THANK YOU for being so wonderful as a Director on Think of England. I would recommend you to anyone (and have been). I don’t think since drama school I have felt as secure in the character work and process. You balance the extreme demands of getting this show together in two weeks with the need to plumb the depths and characters and I am so grateful. You directed us to create a wonderful and well received show, and you did it with warmth and patience which was exactly what was needed” – Leila Sykes, Producer/Performer, Think of England

As a rural touring expert

In making “Pepper and Honey” Tilly’s knowledge and expertise of the rural touring circuit was invaluable. Her guidance of the creative process in terms of building the awareness of the vast variety of performing spaces, and her deep awareness of the community aspect of rural performances helped us create a show which is both adaptable, but also artistically uncompromised and innovative in terms of our offer. This is the first rural touring venture for us and Notnow Collective feels super confident approaching the market with Tilly’s guidance and strong artistic eye. We also feel that we owe the positive response by so many schemes to their recognition of Tilly’s name and work“. – Tina Hofman, Artistic Director, Notnow Collective